‘Kick Gluten's Butt'!

Master Class

Give me 90 mins and I’ll show you how to go ‘gluten free’, without overwhelm or complicated explanations, so that you can enjoy a happy, healthy, energetic life.

Do You Know How This Feels??

  • Your so tired of standing at the chilled section in the supermarket, staring at the sandwiches, pre- packed salads and pasta pots and wondering ‘what on earth can I eat that’s ‘gluten free’?
  • You feel angry and sad, because you can’t find anything, or your not sure what’s ok and you end up grabbing the same chocolate bar, you have had for the last 5 days in a row, and leaving disappointed. Still hungry, totally frustrated and mad at the world.
  • You tried reading the labels but it left you more confused. ‘If it doesn’t say ‘gluten free’ is it ok?’
  • When is all this effort actually going to fill your belly and take away your hunger.
  • So then you used an app that ‘claims’ to tell you if the item is safe to eat, but the item you wanted wasn’t showing up, or it just said that you can’t eat it, when you were convinced it was ok.
  • So you thought maybe you should google it, but you didn’t know if the information was correct for your country, as some of the websites said ok, some said no!
  • And OMG, is it supposed to be this hard? How do other people manage this?
  • This is all you want just one fuss free filling meal that doesn’t contain ‘gluten’, and you didn’t have to stress about it.
  • You just want to EAT! Is that so bad!


  • Imagine having a complete understanding of how to manage your coeliac/celiac disease safe in the knowledge that you’ve got all the facts to heal your gut forever.
  • Feeling in control as you enjoy food again, because you’ve finally learned all you need to know about going ‘gluten free’.
  • Heading into your ‘gluten free’ journey with a bounce in your step because this morning you have put on a big baggy t-shirt with the slogan ‘I’ve Got This!’
  • Can you see it? Going to buy your weekly shop, knowing that you are certain that you know exactly what is ‘gluten free’.
  • Feeling calm, with no stress as you fill the trolley because you know how to read food labels.
  • Going forward excited to cook a meal, standing at the stove, smiling as you cook a tummy filling family meal, that everyone enjoys.
  • Picture being able to socialise and being able to enjoy gatherings.
  • Feeling like part of the team, accepted because you know how to answer others questions without feeling ‘different’ or a nuisance.
  • Onwards into a full and happy social life, standing chatting glass of wine in hand.

How Can I Help You?

I've now been able to live a happy, healthy, energetic, 'gluten free' life for the last 5 years, without having to eat food that tastes like cardboard, limit my meals to food from the 'free from' aisle, and without having to constantly worry about 'gluten'.

I'm enjoying a full and busy day, where my thoughts are not constantly on what I can, and can't eat, and I'm actually grateful to have been diagnosed with Coeliac (celiac) disease, and to have the choice to heal.

But things weren't always like this for me.....

Hi! My Name Is Tricia Provost,

Here's My Story.....

Back in 2018 I was constantly in pain.

I could hardly walk sometimes,and was absolutely exhausted all the time, but couldn’t sleep.

I was convinced I was dying.

My hair was falling out, and my joints were so painful, I was sleeping with hot water bottles on various different parts of my body.

My ears were ringing, and my brain wouldn’t hold information, or function as it should.. Not to mention all the typical ‘tummy’ issues.

I’d tried going fo the doctor, changing my diet, water fasting, exercise.

Nothing worked!

It seemed like no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get to the bottom of what was wrong with me.

After many, many, unsuccessful doctors trips and being sent away with more another un-founded diagnosis. (At this stage I had been told, it was fibromyalgia, IBS, Menopause, Thyroid, and my favourite ‘ALL IN MY MIND’!)

I eventually got a doctor who took me seriously, and was prepared to run my thorough tests .

A simple blood test and some biopsies later, it was confirmed ,what I was dreading.

I had ‘Coeliac/Celiac Disease'.

I was just told (as many people are)......

‘Ok just go ‘gluten free’!

What? How? I didn’t even really know what ‘gluten’ was. ‘It’s in bread and pasta isn’t it’?

I had no understanding of the extent of ‘gluten’, in our foods and drinks.

I remember the walk from the hospital after being given my ‘official diagnosis. I was in tears. I knew my life would completely change. I was a ‘cake person


It took me two months before I even attempted to go ‘gluten free’.

I just couldn’t cope with the emotional side of going ‘gluten free’.

The thought of never being able to eat my favourite foods was too much for me.

‘What about Xmas?’ ‘What about birthday cake’?

All these thoughts tortured me.


I didn’t realise that the ‘gluten’ was continuing fo damage my body.

It seemed like no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t quite seem to get over the overwhelming feeling of lose.

I felt like all life's pleasures had been taken away from me by force, and it wasn’t fair.

BUT thats when it hit me......

I need to try something different, an approach that wasn’t based on just stopping ‘gluten’, and instead focus on what I had to gain by going ‘gluten free’.


I used my years of training as a mindset coach to re-frame, what I was feeling.

I re-programmed myself to deal with the feelings of lose I was enforcing, and turn them into positives, using the same techniques, I had used with my coaching clients, when they were facing challenges in their lives.

Essentially I coached myself to have a completely different mindset about Coeliac/Celiac.

AND that’s when I finally started to see the results I’d been looking for…..

I went 100% 'gluten free' and have never consumed ‘gluten’ since!!!!!

My body started to heal, and all the symptoms I had experienced and suffered for years, subsided over time.

My energy levels increased slowly and I began to enjoy life again.

AND the best thing about it all..


I actually became grateful for my diagnosis, as it gave me the opportunity to heal, and get my life back again.

Essentially I had Kicked Gluten’s Butt and I had kicked myself up the butt 'metaphorically'.


I wanted to help others get the same results as me.

So I decided to use my mindset coaching skills to specialise in helping others cope with having to go ‘gluten free’

I wanted to help others with how the practical side of going ‘gluten free’ and how to cope with the emotions that come along for the ride.

I was known as THE KICK BUTT COACH in my coaching business and had started a company 'THE KICK BUTT COMPANY', where my core purpose was to Inspire, Motivate, and Empower my clients.


Coaching specifically for people diagnosed with Coeliac/Celiac Disease or people told to go on a ‘gluten free’ diet for health reasons.

Here's What Happened....


A 90 minute online group master class (different dates and times to choose from), where I teach you everything you need to know about going ‘gluten free’, and help you navigate the emotional side of being Coeliac/Celiac.

The first live group coaching class that helps you learn everything you need to know about the ‘pesky’ ‘gluten’.

Where it is hidden, and how to make sure it is completely eliminated from your diet.

Also how to cope emotionally at the beginning of your journey.

To turn your overwhelm and fear into a calm and healthier version of you, that creates a better body and mind , that feels amazing and ready to move forward.

In The Master Class You Will Learn:

What The ***** Is Coeliac/Celiac Disease Anyway?

  • Discover exactly what Coeliac/Celiac is, using simple and relatable terms. NO JARGON HERE!
  • Uncover why you have been feeling so unwell, so that you understand how to move forward.
  • Simplify how to explain Coeliac/Celiac disease to others so that they know how to support you.
  • To help you remember this section you will be sent any slides I use in the presentation, for you to refer back to in your own time.

That 'Pesky' 'GLUTEN' And Where To Find It!

  • Learn what ‘gluten free’ means, so that you can eat enjoyable meals without worry.
  • Understand why the free from aisle is NOT your best friend, so that you don’t spend a fortune on ‘gluten free’ food
  • Solve the mystery of reading food labels, shopping and preparing and storing food, without overwhelm and fear.
  • To help complete this section faster and easier after the class, you will get copies of all visuals used, and a free download of my video ‘ How To Read Food Labels Like A Pro’!

Moving Forward - What To Expect!

  • Create an understanding of what to expect after going ‘gluten free’, so that you can see a better, energetic, healthier future.
  • Explore how to heal your gut without bombarding your brain with facts and figures.
  • Empower a believe system in yourself that you can do this, using my skills as a mindset coach.
  • To help you complete this section after the workshop you will get a video lesson from me, with a powerful exercise to re-frame your thoughts on your disease.

But That's Not All...

  • As a 'thank you' for participating, there will be a Q&A session at the end of the class. A great opportunity to ask anything you didn’t understand or I didn’t cover.
  • An opportunity to join the facebook group: Help I’m Coeliac ~ What Now!
  • All the slides and visuals used in presentation, sent in an email to your inbox.
  • Video entitled: How to Read Food Labels Like A Pro! pace.To enable you to cover this subject again at your own
  • A pre- recorded Video coaching session with me , with a powerful exercise to help you reframe your thoughts of your disease, called : Own Your Coeliac/Celiac!
  • A recording of the whole master class to watch at your leisure, show to partners and family, and for those of you that can’t attend live.
  • AND….. a lifetime discount on any further programs and/or coaching your purchase from me.

Money Back Guarantee!!!!

I’ve been coaching clients for over 10 years and coeliac (celiac) myself for 5 of those years, and having worked with countless clients just like you.

I’m confident that is you take this class and apply what you learn, and use the support provided, you will be able to enjoy an energetic, healthy, gluten free lifestyle, without overwhelm or fear.

For this reason, if you decide it’s not for you and would rather go it alone, send me and email (up to 24 hours) before the class is due to start and I’ll issue you a refund, no questions asked.


Yes I Want This ! ~With Up To 24 Hours Notice, Money Back Guarantee!

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Does This Master Class Work?

It’s a group class, done via video ink. You will be sent a link via email, before the class is due to start. No need to download any software. Use your laptop or phone.

I’m An Introvert, I Don’t Really Like Video Calls , Or Being On Camera?

That’s fine. You can keep your camera and microphone off, if you wish. No judgement here!

How Often Does The Master Class Run.? I Want To Start As Soon As Possible?

The Master Class is twice a week. One afternoon class, or one evening class to choose from. This hopefully helps everyones lifestyle. Once you click the YES I WANT THIS! Button, you will be taken to the booking page.

What If None Of The Times Are Convenient For Me, Or I Live In A Different Time Zone?

That's cool, you will be sent a recording of the class via email. The day after the class. I have tried to make this class as accessible to as many people as possible, despite different countries and time zones.

I’m Not Good At Remembering Information!

That’s OK I provide copies of my slides and any other graphics, and resources I think would be helpful to you.

What If I Still Have Questions After The Class?

That's fine, there is a Q&A session at the end of the class. Also plenty of support. If you send me an email question up to 7 days after the class, I will endeavour to answer it with a short video reply.

How Can I Get Support After The Class?

You are more than welcome to join the facebook group, Help I’m Coeliac What Now?, run by myself and made up of other coeliacs, celiacs just like you and I, offering support and community.

I Would Like More Personalised Support On A 1-1 Basis!

I can understand this, just check out my 1-1 coaching page for more customised support.

I Don’t Really Like Group Situations. Do I Have To Answer Any Questions?

No of course not, you can just listen, if you want, and you don’t even need to have your camera on. You can attend in your pj’s.

What If I Can’t Make It, Or Something Comes Up?

As long as you email me up to 24 hours before the class starts, I will offer a full, no questions asked refund.

I Don’t Really Understand Anything About This Stuff, Is It Complicated?

I try to teach in very simple, easy to understand terms. I like to use humour and a light hearted approach to prevent overwhelm.

I Feel So Alone At The Moment, This Is All A Bit Too Much For Me!

This is exactly the point of this class, it’s perfect for you, to see that you are not in this alone, and to simplify everything for you!

Couldn’t I Just Google Everything, I Need To Know?

Yes I agree you could, but alot of us become confused with all the conflicting advice out there. I aim to simplify that as much as possible.

US Dollars Is Not The Currency In My Country?

Thats fine. On the payment page, the payment will be taken in US Dollars, but will be converted to your currency from your bank. If you want to know the price in your currency, then just google it before you buy. (This vary will change depending on the exchange rate at the time of purchase)

I Have Dyslexia, Or Another Way Of Learning! Will This Class Be Suitable For Me?

Thats no problem at all. I appreciate everyone has a different way of learning. When you pay fo the class, there is a box to send a message, so feel free to message me with how I can help you before the class, and I will do my best to accomodate you.

I Don't Have Coeliac/Celiac But My Partner/Child Does! ~ Will This Class Help Me To Understand Their Condition More?

Yes! It most certainly will. It is really wonderful that you are being supportive of them. If it is your child that has coeliac/celiac then this class will help you to learn from another Coeliacs/ Celiac's perspective so you can give them the best care. If you partner or close relative or friend has Coeliac/Celiac disease then you are doing the best thing possible for them by learning as much as you can about their condtion. It can be a lonely place!

What If I Have Been Told To Go On A Gluten Free Diet, For Other Health Conditions Other Than Coeliac/Celiac. Can I Still Get Value From This Master Class?

Yes you can! This master class is for anyone that needs to go on a 'gluten free' diet for all health conditions. All the same information applies. The only difference is that Coeliac's/Celiac's must stick to a strict 'gluten free' diet for life and cannot ingest any again, where as if you are 'gluten intolerant' you may be able to have some items, depending on your reaction.

Kick Gluten’s Butt

The Kick Butt Company

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