1-1 Coaching (A Bespoke 90 Minute Coaching Session)

I Know How It Feels!

It's Just Overwhelming, and Scary!

  • Your so tired of standing at the chilled section in the supermarket, staring at the sandwiches, pre- packed salads and pasta pots and wondering ‘what on earth can I eat that’s ‘gluten free’?
  • You feel angry and sad, because you can’t find anything, or your not sure what’s ok and you end up grabbing the same chocolate bar, you have had for the last 5 days in a row, and leaving disappointed. Still hungry, totally frustrated and mad at the world.
  • You tried reading the labels but it left you more confused. ‘If it doesn’t say ‘gluten free’ is it ok?’
  • When is all this effort actually going to fill your belly and take away your hunger.

Well That Was Exactly How I Felt Five Years Ago!!

About Tricia......

Maybe you feel this way?

Don’t know what you can or cant eat.

Don’t know what to buy, or what contains gluten and what doesn’t.

Don’t know how to explain your condition to others.

Or they don’t take you seriously?

I have been gluten free now for 5 years. I have nothing like the pain I used to have.

My brain fog has gone and my stomach has settled.

Tricia Provost Picture holding a drink and smiling
Helping Hands

How Can I Help You?

I offer 1-1 Coaching Sessions.

I am an accredited Mindset Coach and also a fellow Coeliac/Celiac.

I offer bespoke coaching sessions with my clients, to guide them through starting their 'gluten free' journey.

I help my clients to learn everything they need to know about their disease and how to manage it, in a light-hearted and no stress

90 minute video call.

Not only do we discuss how to manage the disease but we also cover the emotional side of the disease, and how to cope mentally.

This is a single session, but if the client feels they need more help then, I can offer follow up 1 hour sessions, with a discount for bulk purchase.

These follow up sessions are not compulsory as the client will learn everything they need in the first session.

If the client chooses to have follow up sessions, they can be coached on any subject.

The session does not have to be Coeliac/Celiac related, as my coaching can help clients to move forward in any part of their life they feel they need help.

Just use the booking link below to book on my calender.

How To Work With Me: