......About Tricia!

Through her social media presence, her 1-1 coaching, and online masterclass. Tricia, helps people recently diagnosed with coeliac, (celiac) disease, to answer all the questions buzzing in their heads, so that they can feel empowered to start the gluten free journey, without fear or overwhelm.

Unlike the medical profession, she uses her years of experience as a mindset coach, (and a fellow coeliac), to help clients to not feel alone, or rely on internet searches.

She encourages a healthy mindset, whilst offering a sense of belonging, practical ideas and support, so that her clients can regain control and freedom, to live an energetic life.

Picture Of Tricia Provost. Kick Glutens Butt

......Where Shall I Start?

First.Welcome To My About Me Page..

Thanks for taking the time to read about me. .

I am sure that you didn’t just stumble on this page but you were looking for something just as I was 12 Years ago…..

So here’s the answers..


My name is Tricia Provost and I live in , U.K.

I have four children aged between thirty six and nineteen. I also have two grandchildren.

I like reading, going to the gym, dancing around in the front room, cooking and spending time with my family and having a laugh.

Pet Hates: When people get water in my rubber gloves, tomatoes, rude people and ignorance.

Inspirations: My Mum and DAD!!!

Dad Kick Glutens Butt
arrow pointing at Dad

Well What More Shall I Say? .....

I trained as a life coach about 11 years ago and started a small practice alongside my full time job.

I loved coaching people through all sorts of goals and ambitions , whilst helping them to overcome any challenges and obstacles that stood in their way of achieving the life they had always wanted.

I felt extremely fulfilled with my work, but found it hard to dedicate the time I wanted to my practice, as my Mum passed away and I had to care for my Dad, who had Alzheimer’s, and work full time.

What with looking after Dad, working, and taking my youngest back and forth to dance (a 70 mile round trip), up to 4 times a week, I couldn’t do it all…..

…….My coaching practice had to take a back seat for a while.

I was gutted……

and I didn’t feel well….

I hadn’t felt well for a while. I had had pneumonia, and year later I still had no energy.

I could hardly lift my arms above my head. Showering was tiring and the thought of washing my hair would make me cry.

I don’t know how I carried on working, I just wanted to sleep.

My joints were killing me, and I was sleeping with a hot water bottle between my legs because my hips hurt so much.

My skin was sore and my brain wasn’t working properly. I couldn’t read a book and remember what I had read, a couple of minutes later.

My ears were ringing, constantly and my stomach hurt so much I would vomit.

Of course I went to the doctor on about ten different occasions.

I was told I had fibromyalgia, the menopause, IBS, chronic fatigue and possibly ME.

......Of Course It Was None Of These!!!

Eventually after several years of being fobbed of by the doctors, one lady doctor suggested she give me a blood test for a ‘couple of conditions’.

When the test results came back , I WAS SHOCKED to discover that the blood results showed that it was possible I had Coeliac (Celiac) disease.

Then I had the long wait for biopsies to be taken .

Would you believe the biopsies showed no damage to my intestines and I was once again sent away, saying that I should try the FodMap diet for a while and see how I get on.

That was it . NO FOLLOW UP! NOTHING!


I was in agony. Couldn’t sleep. Had no energy. My joints in my hands were freezing. It looked like I had claws.

My middle daughter begged me to go back to the doctor.

She said ‘Please go back to the doctor Mum, you look so ill’!

I honestly thought I was dying, it was so bad.

Yet another trip to the doctor . BUT…..

Dad Kick Glutens Butt

This time my blood results were so bad that the were 100 times higher than before.

The biopsies showed significant damage to my intestines and I now I had arthritis in my hips and back, and Osteopenia as a result of not absorbing any nutrients for so long.

I had to go straight on a Gluten Free Diet.

Like you, I didn’t know what I was doing.

I was angry, scared and frustrated. I love my food and I believed that I would never enjoy a meal again.

I did what most people do and googled everything. All the information seemed to contradict itself.

I joined online forums and facebook groups, but even here I didn’t feel comfortable as some people would talk about cheating on their diet, and didn’t seem to understand how this would affect them in the long run.

Everyone seemed to be having so little information and support from the medical profession.

I decided to be the ‘go to’ person myself.

I used my life coaching skills to write and produce content to help other people who feel like I did, overwhelmed, frustrated, angry, upset, emotional.

Gluten Free No Gluten Picture

..........Have Your Recently Been Diagnosed with Coeliac (Celiac) Disease?

Maybe you feel this way?

Don’t know what you can or cant eat.

Don’t know what to buy, or what contains gluten and what doesn’t.

Don’t know how to explain your condition to others.

Or they don’t take you seriously?

I have been gluten free now for 5 years. I have nothing like the pain I used to have.

My brain fog has gone and my stomach has settled.

It doesn’t happen overnight, but it does get better. You can heal yourself and lead a happy and energetic life again.

Having Coeliac (Celiac) disease is not just about going on a gluten free diet. Its about a whole change of lifestyle.

Its not just about eating from the gluten free aisle (as some of this food can be full of additives and preservative’s).

Its re-learning what to eat, and healing your damaged gut.

......Feel Inspired ?

I founded Kick Gluten’s Butt earlier this year. I wanted to help other people who are going through what I did and don’t really know where to start.

My skills as a life coach will help you deal with the mindset you will have to adopt as a newly diagnosed coeliac (celiac).

Being coeliac (celiac) is not just about going on a gluten free diet for life.

heart kick glutens butt

Its about all the other things that go with it, such as a sense of loss, having to deal with the emotions of being considered ‘different’ from others etc..

My Dad passed away in 2022, at the ripe old age of 90 years old, and my youngest daughter finished college.

I decided to go part time at work and do what I love.

Helping others.

I still work as a general life (mindset) coach but I decided earlier this year that alongside my life coaching practice I would specialise in helping people cope with their diagnosis.

heart kick glutens butt

......You've Got This!!!

Let Me Help You...

If you would like to work with me then I offer 1-1 coaching over video chat.

I also have an online workshop, Let's Kick Gluten's Butt Workshop, that tells you everything you need to know about your first few months as a coeliac .

Why not get in touch and I can see how I can help you.


Why not join my free facebook group: Help I’m Coeliac ~ What Now?