So you suspect your have Coeliac/Celiac disease. You have gone through all the symptoms on the internet and spoken to your friends about it.
You are sure this is why you have been feeling so unwell. That would explain all the rushing to the toilet unexpectedly . the pains in your joints, and why you can’t sleep.
Well first you have to go straight to the medical professionals with all your symptoms written down. You need to be able to explain how long you have been feeling this way, and how it is affecting your life.
Write down everything . Even the symptoms that you wouldn’t associate with coeliac, celiac disease, as there are many unusual symptoms that you wouldn’t associate with coelic, celiacs.
Explain to the doctor that you want a blood test to check for coeliac, celiac disease.
Don’t be fobbed off with the doctor saying that they will run a few tests. Make sure that the coeliac,celiac test is included in these tests.
The test will not tell you straight up that you have coeliac,celiac disease. It will show that your antibody levels are up. This is because the body is trying to fight the gluten, as it sees it as the enemy.
If your antibody levels are really high then the doctor will either diagnose your there and then, or refer you to a gastrointestinal expert. Make sure if the doctor diagnoses you that this is on your records and in writing.
If you are sent to see a gastroenterologist, then they will probably want to take some biopsies . Contrary to scare stories, this is not too bad, and you can have sedation. Just think of everything you are going through is ultimately going to change your life for the better.
Once you have your diagnosis, (which can take several months, depending on where you live and your health care system), make sure you have it is writing.
You should then be sent to see a nutritionist who will explain to you about the gluten free diet, and for a dexa scan (to check your bone density) .
Please make sure that you ask about these things, and whether to go gluten free now.?
Also check how often you should have check ups with the gastroenterologist . These are usually yearly and they send you for a blood test first to make sure your anti body levels are dropping.
Do not go Gluten Free until you have a clear diagnosis, as you need gluten in your system to show up in your blood tests. If you are not eating gluten your gut will start to heal and the tests will be inconclusive.
I know having Coeliac, Celiac disease is scary, and you have probably felt unwell for long time. You are probably unsure of how to go about a gluten free diet and anxious about getting it wrong.
I don't want you to worry, you will be fine! Believe me, as you start to feel better you will be so glad that you got this diagnosis.
If you would like to be able to read labels and check for gluten then I have put together a free video explaining:
Through my social media presence, my 1-1 coaching, and online masterclass, I help people recently diagnosed with coeliac, (celiac) disease, to answer all the questions buzzing in their heads, so that they can feel empowered to start the gluten free journey, without fear or overwhelm.
Unlike the medical profession, I use my years of experience as a mindset coach, (and a fellow coeliac), to help clients to not feel alone, or rely on internet searches.
I encourages a healthy mindset, whilst offering a sense of belonging, practical ideas and support, so that my clients can regain control and freedom, to live an energetic life.
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