Our Biggest Wish Is To Feel Better: How Long Before I Start To Feel Better After Going Gluten Free?
One of our biggest worries, is that if we go gluten free, that we will feel no different than before, and all our symptoms will continue.
Then there are the other people who think that two weeks after eliminating gluten from their diets, that they should now be feeling on top of the world and all their symptoms should just go away for ever.
Well both could be true but at least let me get some perspective on what to expect.
What Is Happening To Your Body When You First Go Gluten Free?
The first couple of weeks after going gluten free can be tough!
Not only are you craving your normal diet, and having to get used to all the emotions that go with that.
You also are having a great change in your body.
Your body is used to thinking something is wrong everytime you ate something with gluten in it.
It would send antibodies to fight what your body thought was the enemy. Every part of your body was responding to fight against itself.
(This is why, you were always exhausted)
Now the gluten has been removed the body is confused and starts to have what only can be described as 'withdrawal' symptoms.
These symptoms in themselves create a similar reaction to the gluten.
OMG! I here you cry! 'I really can't take anymore!'
Don't worry it gets better!
Just imagine. You don't know how long you had coeliac, celiac disease before you were diagnosed.
Your body could have years worth of repair to do.
What To Expect.....
As your body starts to heal, you may feel unwell. You may have 'tummy troubles' and feel nausea.
There may also be some headaches and tiredness.
Your body is going through alot.
Don't expect too much for the first couple of weeks at first.
Its a similar feeling to going on a weight lose diet, or cutting out sugar.
Your body need time to adapt.
Don't Be Impatient!
Don't be rushing to believe that everything will instantly change. Your body can take up to 18 months for your gut to heal.
The sooner you find out and start the gluten free diet, the better.
I see alot of people going on forums and complaining that they stopped eating gluten 'three weeks ago, and they had some fries from Mc Donalds and have had to rush to the toilet'.
You need to understand that to give your body the best possible chance you 'have' to eat as healthly as possible.
Rushing To The Gluten Free Aisle
One thing that is very common when first going gluten free, is for people to rush to the nearest supermarket and fill their trolley from the gluten free shelf.
This is one of the worst things you can do.
Most of the gluten free aisle is highly processed food.
You are just replacing the gluten with foods full of chemicals, sugar and fats.
How can you really expect your gut to heal if you are bombarding it with a new set of poison.
Don't get me wrong, you will need to get some bits and bobs, and thank God that these foods are now available to us,
It is so much better for your healing process to eat as clean as possible.
What Do I Eat Then, If I Can't Have Gluten Anymore?
All natual foods tend to be gluten free.
I mean anything that does not come in a packet, tin or jar.
Meat,fish,nuts, rice, veg, fuit,dairy and pulses are all gluten free.
For your first couple of months, just keep it simple.
Give your body a chance.
You really can't expect your body to heal if you continue to eat badly.
Take this opportunity to get back all the lost nutrients that your body is craving so much.
As you start to learn more about what does and doesn't contain gluten you can widen your horizons.
What About Eating Out?
My honest opinion is not to eat out for your first couple of months.
This will give you a chance to get100% in charge of your diet.
In this time you will have more of an understanding what to look out for.
If you go to a restauraunt and they tell you that the food is 'gluten free', do they really know what that term means.
They might inadvertently 'gluten' you without knowing.
I have been for breakfast and been asked if I would like gluten free toast. I excitedly said yes, only to watch in horror as the woman put my bread through the normal toaster.
Now can you imagine if she had done this in the kitchen, where I couldn't see her?
I would have been none the wiser.
It's Your Disease, Take Responsibility For It!
I hear alot of people complain that they can't have cakes with work friends on their birthdays, or that their Mum doesn't understand and gave them yorkshire puddings at Sunday lunch.
This is your disease. You rule 'it' . 'It' does NOT rule you. Take control!
Imagine you had continued to eat gluten without knowing you have coeliac, celiac disease.
This is the case for a lot of other people.
You are lucky. You get the chance to change your life, and get better.
There is no point complaining about other people not understanding. It's not their disease, it's yours.
Only you need to understand it, to keep you safe.
When Does It Get Better Then?
Now for the good bit.
It gets better!
All of sudden you realise that something, that was hurting, doesn't hurt anymore.
You become aware that you have only been to the toilet 6 times, instead of 20 in a day.
You might suddenly realise that you haven't had to have a sleep in the day, or that you have gone for a walk, without everything hurting for days afterwards.
It will happen.
Everyone is different.
Some people notice an immediate change.
Others it may take a little longer.
But it does happen.
Slowly but Surely.
In Conclusion!
Give yourself a chance. Coeliac, Celiac left untreated causes havoc with our body.
Some symptoms with long lasting effects.
Give yourself the best care you can.
Take this as an opportunity to be grateful that you have the chance to get better.
You have full control now!
I know having Coeliac, Celiac disease is scary, and you have probably felt unwell for long time. You are probably unsure of how to go about a gluten free diet and anxious about getting it wrong.
I don't want you to worry, you will be fine! Believe me, as you start to feel better you will be so glad that you got this diagnosis.
If you would like to be able to read labels and check for gluten then I have put together a free video explaining:
Through my social media presence, my 1-1 coaching, and online masterclass, I help people recently diagnosed with coeliac, (celiac) disease, to answer all the questions buzzing in their heads, so that they can feel empowered to start the gluten free journey, without fear or overwhelm.
Unlike the medical profession, I use my years of experience as a mindset coach, (and a fellow coeliac), to help clients to not feel alone, or rely on internet searches.
I encourages a healthy mindset, whilst offering a sense of belonging, practical ideas and support, so that my clients can regain control and freedom, to live an energetic life.
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